Für Ihr Wohlbefinden  -  pour votre bien-être

Advice on intestinal health

It is not only important to know which food is good for the body but also essential that our intestines can absorb and utilize the substances from it well. If this is not possible, it can lead to an imbalance, such as diarrhea, constipation, digestive disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases, etc.

As a trained intestinal therapist, I will be happy to advise you on the subject of intestinal health. Following the evaluation of a health questionnaire and a stool analysis, your microbiome will be individually influenced with various prebiotics and probiotics as well as your diet. This can have a positive effect on your health. Did you know that around 70-80% of the immune system is located in the gut? It is a decisive factor that can contribute to keeping the body healthy.



What exactly happens during a gut health consultation?

 1. after the introductory telephone call, we will make an appointment for your initial consultation. You will also receive a health questionnaire from me (including a dietary record if necessary), which you will send to me before our initial consultation.

2. in the initial consultation, for which you should allow yourself about 60 -90 minutes, we will evaluate your health questionnaire (and dietary record if applicable) together and we will discuss the next steps in detail on an individual basis.
3. in a follow-up consultation, we will evaluate your analysis values and I will draw up a therapy plan for you. If additional nutritional advice was appropriate, you will receive a nutrition plan and individual recipes.

4. depending on the severity of the case, it may be advisable to arrange further appointments to check your results.


15 minute introductory meeting


Evaluation of health questionnaire and consultation, approx. 60 min                       


I will be happy to advise you here. Simply contact me without obligation for a free introductory meeting.

call me

I look forward to hearing you.


